New 23 And 28 Tender – Beauty from the inside out


The Goldfish 23 and 28 Tender was created to challenge convention, ditching superfluous gadgets and gimmicks for an innovative yet back-to-basics thrill-seeker that will not let you down. A day-tripper with a difference, revelling in effortless performance, functionality and joy.

Six years have passed since we developed the two avant-garde Tender siblings, and six new hulls have been developed in that period. Each of them forcing us improve in the task of taming the forces of nature.

The 23 and 28 Tender was acclaimed by their owners, and more sea-keeping than anything else in their size. Still, we simply could not close our eyes to this newly acquired knowledge. We decided to redesign the hull of the 23 Tender to learn if technology was transferable to a 7,5m boat or not.

At first – during initial testing – we honestly thought we had failed in our mission, and that the 23 Tender could not be improved. Luckily Pål Sollie would not give up on his idea of perfection. After weeks of putting his mind entirely into the new boat, he came across some ground breaking new discoveries. Discoveries that again will benefit all future Goldfish models, and naturally its owners.

Just days after we all had tried the new boat, it was decided that we had to find money to bring the 28 Tender along on this new new design. In doing this we now also had the possibility to build both models around the new powerful Evinrude E-tec’s.

These boats are designed to cut through waves at high speed, and both its construction and materials must absorb and withstand the enormous energy of those repeated impacts. This is only achievable with the finest materials, evolving know-how and state-of-the-art techniques. By adopting this approach we secure maximum rigidity and a high quality ride, year after year, and with proper care-taking they will last a lifetime.

There is no other way to feel the difference than taking the boat out in the rough, and we advice to do so to make up your own mind. The new 23 Tender can be tested right now, and the new 28 Tender is expected to be finished just early next year.


If you test the new 23 Tender and compare it to todays 28 Tender you will get a pretty good idea about the difference in design. Do not let conceiving sales men tell you the truth about seagoing hulls. Test, and make up your own mind!

Build your dreamboat at, and we will invite you to a hands on experience in sea-keeping.


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